Monday, November 26, 2012

"Winston Churchill: Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat" Analysis

     Winston Churchill tried to inspire his fellow British to go to war against Germany. He was a member of the parliament in England and later he became the Prime Minister of England. He lived during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, who gave him many awards. He went through World War II. Churchill then realized that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi were coming to England to invade her. Unfortunately, the previous Prime Minister let Hitler took the lands that he wanted, which caused Hitler to want more. Winston Churchill made a speech called “Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat”, and he managed to convince the people of England to go to war. Winston Churchill inspired his people through the emotional language that was contained in his speech, and his speech also affected them, making them confident and fiery to go to war.
            In his speech, Winston Churchill definitely used a lot of emotional language which later affected his people greatly. For example, he said, “Blood, toil, tears, and sweat” (Howat, 196). That phrase itself indicates Churchill’s vow to his people that he will work to his hardest not only to defend England against invaders, but also to win the war against Germany. Another emotional language that he used is he repetitively repeated the words “victory” and “survival”. When he said this, he gave a huge inspiration for his people. British people obviously wanted not only victory, but they also wanted to survive this invasion. Next, he used the phrase “dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime” (196) to describe Hitler. This phrase has a very deep meaning: as human beings, everybody sins; but Hitler was worse. This made his people believe that being oppressed by Hitler must be worse, and they were more convinced to fight back. The speech that Winston Churchill made gave a huge inspiration and hope for the British to fight back and win the war against Germany.
            When Winston Churchill got this epiphany, he knew what had to be done. He knew what was coming. He immediately took drastic actions. His speech, “Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat” managed to inspire many British. He gave hope and inspiration to the British to defend and win the war against Germany. That is the reason Winston Churchill won many awards, and became an inspiration to many people.

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